This site is for patients using OPDIVO or OPDIVO and ipilimumab.

Your guide to OPDIVO and side effects that can occur with treatment

This website provides you with information about treatment with OPDIVO or OPDIVO in combination with YERVOY, and describes potential signs and symptoms that you might experience. It also provides important advice on what you should do if you do experience signs and symptoms.

OPDIVO or OPDIVO in combination with YERVOY can cause serious side effects in various parts of the body that need to be addressed immediately, regardless of their severity, to avoid their worsening.

This guide includes a Patient Alert Card. Remember to always carry your OPDIVO Patient Alert Card with you and to inform healthcare professionals that you are receiving treatment with OPDIVO or OPDIVO in combination with YERVOY.

The healthcare professional treating you with OPDIVO or OPDIVO in combination with YERVOY should complete the ‘My Doctor’s Contact Information’ section of the Patient Alert Card.

Please note: Contact your doctor if you need advice, information, and support.